Monday 28 May 2012

learning log May 24th

Hello! Today my parter and I talked about the project and talked over with the teacher as well. The three of us have now a general idea of how this is going to look. She sent us a very cool picture drawn be one of her friends. we will be using this as part of the card. I started editing the picture so it will blend and we could add text and the picture would not interfere with it. My friend created a brush using lines since we found in a tutorial that creating a brush would save us time. Honestly this is mostly what we did, since we spend some time waiting for an email and my friend had some other work to finish as well. We still need the info that would be going in the card. We have brainstormed more ideas and are slowly coming up with the right layout. We want this to end up looking really well since it is for our teacher :) Im sorry my log for today is rather short but there is not many things to write.

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